• Willkommen im Forum „Golf Cabrio Archiv-Forum“.

Hello, i'm from france

Begonnen von fred59, Oktober 08, 2004, 10:41:20

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VW Typ 155

Gruß VW Typ 155
bei Interesse an Bildern:
unter VW Typ 155 !

VW Typ 155

he leute, zieht euch mal den film rein ...

wann kommt der nächste sommer  8)

:D  :D  :D

auch die homepage ist klasse!
habe gar nicht gewußt das es vom werk auch
gelbe cabriolets gibt (youngline).
Gruß VW Typ 155
bei Interesse an Bildern:
unter VW Typ 155 !

hello sunshine

Zitat von: VW Typ 155
habe gar nicht gewußt das es vom werk auch
gelbe cabriolets gibt (youngline).

habe den selben katalog für die schweiz zu hause. da ist der youngline genau gleich abgebildet, jedoch in weiss. bei uns gabs nie gelbe cabs...

Golf Cabriolet Classicline, 3/92, dunkelblau mit beigem Leder, z.Z. 71'000 km

VW Typ 155

finde das gelb gar nicht mal so schlecht,
wäre mal was anderes. aber wenn mans
dann für ein paar jahre hat ...
Gruß VW Typ 155
bei Interesse an Bildern:
unter VW Typ 155 !


@ fred 59: Welcom to our forum. Now it's a real goog international forum! :lol:
Hope, we can realize a french-german Cabrio meeting next year. I live only 5 Minutes from the French border. But my french isn't very well, so we can try to talk in english.
Greetings from Merzig!



Zitat von: saarpower@ fred 59: Welcom to our forum. Now it's a real goog international forum! :lol:
Hope, we can realize a french-german Cabrio meeting next year. I live only 5 Minutes from the French border. But my french isn't very well, so we can try to talk in english.
Greetings from Merzig!


no problemo..
i would be pleased
:) :D


Me too! How far is Lille away? 250 km perhaps?
I visit your Website at the moment, so see something about you and your cabrio-meeting.
If there is a meeting of your forum next year in Lille it would be a nice place to stay for holidays!?!
How far is it to the coast?


lille is about 250-300 kms from germany (360 from essen)
it's very close to the coast. about 100 -120 kms (its depends if you prefer to go to the french or belgian coast)



Ups, but we can see next year.
Lets stay in contact!

Greetings from Merzig


...i visited lille and condé about 16 years ago...!!!

....perhaps you and your community would like to join some of our
meetings next year ?...

kind regards

Golf I Cabrio Bj ´91 MKB: 2H... naturbelassen ... z.Z. Totalschaden :heul:
LA9V, z.Z. 140 tkm

Golf II CL Bj ´91 MKB: PN...nicht naturbelassen ...
LA5U, z.Z. 251 tkm


Zitat von: daxie...i visited lille and condé about 16 years ago...!!!

....perhaps you and your community would like to join some of our
meetings next year ?...

kind regards


yes of course



i want to know how is the approximate price in essen motorshow of a "koni sportfahrwerk " -4cm  (koni yellow) + h&r springs.
and the price of a k&w or weitec "gewindfahrwerk"...

we'll make some shopping....


Hi Fred,

i think it'll be difficult, to give you a price for things in essen.
There are special prices, but? mmhhh, I don't know.
Before I go to Essen, I will check prices for things I need, and when the prices are lower (in Essen) I will buy there.
If not, it was a nice day and I will buy tuning parts after the Motorshow.




La cave

Salut le p'tit fred qui s'organise discretement une rencontre avec les allemands... Ce serait Génial ca 8)